November 2017 archive

SBC Week 7: Hunger

Welcome back to another SBC Post!

This week we are talking about Hunger. Millions of people in this world are starving like Homeless, Countries, or people who can’t afford food. We really have to be grateful that we can have food because there are people who don’t eat food every day. People have died from hunger especially children . There at least 11 Million child deaths per year from hunger. The Hunger Project helps men and women overcome hunger.

Some countries suffering from hunger

  • Hahiti
  • Zambia
  • Yemen
  • Ethiopia
  • Chad
  • Sudan
  • Comoros
  • Eritrea
  • Timor-Leste
  • Burundi

There are many more who are starving in this world like Homeless people living in the streets or parks.


SBC Week 5: School Poll

Hey, guys welcome back to another SBC Blog!😃 This week I made a poll on school with Poll Maker. Here is the link to my Poll for School

If you took the poll I hope you enjoyed it I will tell the results on next weeks post


See Ya Later Bye!!